
By using this tool published on the website www.donat.com, you agree and confirm that you are familiar with the Privacy Policy published at https://www.donat.com/privacy-policy/ and this Disclaimer, and explicitly consent to both, agreeing to use the tool solely at your own risk and in accordance with the terms stated in this statement.

This tool is based on artificial intelligence, and the company Atlantic Droga Kolinska d.o.o., Kolinska ulica 1, 1000 Ljubljana (hereinafter referred to as the company), together with the tool developers, strives to provide high-quality and reliable tool, but under no circumstances can guarantee or warrant:

  1. the accuracy and completeness of information provided by the tool,
  2. that the tool understands your query and provides you with correct answers/information,
  3. the flawless functioning of the tool, for its errors or deficiencies that may occur during its use.
  4. that the tool will always operate flawlessly and provide accurate information, explaining that the tool is still in beta version,
  5. that the use of the tool replaces any expert. The company is not responsible for any damage or loss that may arise from the use of the tool or from misunderstanding and using the information obtained through the use of the tool.

The information provided by the tool does not represent the company’s positions/opinions/views.

By using this tool, users expressly assume all risks and liabilities associated with the use of the tool, agreeing and being aware that:

  1. all information received from the tool is purely informative, generated by artificial intelligence and intended solely for general information.
  2. you should not rely solely on the information provided by the tool and you are solely and entirely responsible for verifying the credibility of the data received through the use of the tool.
  3. the information provided by the tool does not constitute or replace advice from a nutritionist or other professional. In case of professional inquiries, you will refer to a professional appropriate and responsible for the specific area related to the professional question.
  4. the use of this tool is free.
  5. The company is not responsible for any damage or loss that may arise from the use of the tool or from misunderstanding and using the information obtained through the use of this tool. As a user, you assume all risks and responsibilities associated with the use of the tool, and you will not claim any compensation for any damage or loss incurred by you due to the use of this tool as a result of non-compliance or violation of this statement.
  6. this tool does not require you to provide personal data, nor does it automatically collect any personal data, except for data in accordance with the Privacy Policy. If you choose to provide personal data within the tool, you do so at your own risk, and the tool and the company are not responsible for the management or security of the data. The company advises against entering personal data into the tool.
  7. all information entered into the tool by the user may be used by the company for internal purposes to optimize the tool’s operation.
  8. In the event that a person under the age of 15 uses the tool, it is guaranteed that the tool is used in the presence of parents or legal representatives who can guarantee for it.
  9. you will not use this tool for prohibited and harmful purposes, such as, for example, but not limited to: using information in a way that violates or appropriates the rights of third parties or the company, changing, copying, or transmitting obtained information to third parties for various abuses, interfering with the software of the tool or the company’s website, etc.
  10. I will respect the company’s intellectual property rights and will not interfere with them in any way; otherwise, I am liable to the company for damages.

For additional information, please contact the company at the email address: [email protected]