- Serves: 2
- Meal: lunch/dinner
- Tags: vegetarian, vegan, seasonal, summertime
- Main ingredients: couscous, eggplant, chickpeas
- Preparation time: 45 minutes
Description: Couscous is an excellent side dish that does not take a lot of time to prepare, and it is highly nutritious at the same time. In today’s recipe we have prepared couscous with a vegetable side dish.

- 1 large eggplant
- 150 g couscous
- 400 ml water
- A pinch of salt
- 1 clove garlic
- 2 tablespoons olive oil
- 1 teaspoon red paprika
- Chili that fits on tip of the knife
- ⅓ teaspoon cinnamon
- ½ teaspoon curry
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 1 onion
- 400 g peeled tomatoes
- 150 g cooked chickpeas
- Additionally: plant-based yogurt, olive oil, fresh vegetables
- Stab the eggplant around 15 times with a fork and roast it in one piece either in the oven at 200°C for around half an hour, or in a covered cast iron pan for 25 minutes. Turn the eggplant multiple times while roasting.
- In the meantime, add water and a pinch of salt to the pot. When the water boils, add the couscous and finely chopped garlic clove (and a tablespoon of olive oil if you wish), cover and set on the side.
- Heat 2 tablespoons of olive oil in a pan, add the spices, salt and finely chopped onion, and fry for around 5 minutes. Add the peeled tomatoes, mash them with a masher and add the chickpeas. Cook for around 8 minutes.
- Peel the cooled eggplant and add the “flesh” to the pan. Stir well, additionally chop with a mixing paddle if needed, and cook for another 5 minutes.
- Serve the dish in a bowl. Add the couscous and sauce, a teaspoon of plant-based yogurt to taste and fresh vegetables. The dish can also be enriched by adding a bit more olive oil.

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